Attitude of Gratitude

What are you grateful for?

Studies show that people who keep a journal every morning or make a gratitude list every night have an improved immune system. (I can’t find the link right now to support this claim, but just trust me!)

I have also heard that a child must hear 10 positive things to overcome one negative thing. The number is probably similar for adults. Today I made a conscious effort to remain positive, adding to other people’s positivity and not depleting them.

Sounds altruistic, but I am doing it for my own health. Remaining positive is good for me. 

I love a neuroscientific excuse to write, be grateful and pursue happiness.

Here are today’s 10 reasons for joy and gratitude — in no particular order.

1. The power of nonviolence and the peaceful overthrow of the dictatorship in Egypt
2. Valentine’s Day chocolates everywhere
3. Handmade Valentines left anonymously on coworkers’ desks
4. Kids’ health, especially my son’s heart, fixed by brilliant doctors
5. Wonderful boss
6. My kids’ singing voices — at this moment, the girls are singing a song from Grease. So fricken’ cute!
7. This warm day nearly melting the icy mounds of snow in NYC
8. My mother’s coming to visit in a week and a half
9. My friends, especially my book club friends
10. My own creativity and sense of humor

While I was watching the Grammy’s last night and making Valentines (see number 3 above), unbeknownst to me, one of my daughters was making one too. If I ever get down, and it is inevitable, I am going to look at this:

4 Comments to “Attitude of Gratitude”

  1. I have had a gratitude practice for years. Only in the last few months has it gone dry. Your post inspires me to pick it up again!
    I am grateful I found you via the Facebook post-a-day group!

  2. That’s a lovely post. I also find being good to others is something I do to benefit myself too, because it makes me happier in the long run.

    I love being grateful, and I love lists! Two thumbs up. 🙂

  3. Aha a gratitude journal now that is something i should start working on. 🙂
    Btw lovely post.

  4. Wonderful post and Happy Happy Valentine’s and every other Day! Your ten things are so sweet, I can hear your kids sing too 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by… may your days always be bright!

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